Was Kamala sent to us by
Candace Owens says yes!

Click the images, see the videos.

Cult Videos is a Virtual Hangout, an online escape portal into uncommon, buried, and taboo subjects!
This Webpage was created for curious and like-minded Adults.
Bring your own bottle, kickback and enjoy your brew.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em! Relax, sit a spell.

Go into DESKTOP MODE and catch our Music Jukebox,
at the top of the page which include the newest sensation A.I. Assisted Creations!

Click on the link to enter the page.

Famous Cult Videos 1990-1999
We, Puzzling Evidence, Dr. Howl, and Professor Curtis made this brief film in Berkeley, CA in 1993.

Watch the Dancing Girls sychronize themselves to our Music Jukebox!

A.I. creates art from written prompts. Imagine the future filled with video Art like this.

6 HOURS of Blaxplotation Film Trailers! Non-Stop Action!
This video was created by the video mixing master; "Save The Clock Tower!"


Isaiah Carter Speaks Out Against The Democrats Lies!

I have Never Seen Anything Like It! (I Spent The Day Reading The USAID Payments Log - WTF!?)

Lou on YouTube, as "We Are Change" spells out
the details about USAID, and tells It Like It Is!

USAID under fire: Funding cuts loom after reports expose "LUNATIC" spending! -SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA

The Matrix is real.
Escaping from the Programing of the Matrix is possible.

Earth is laid out like a Sweet Potato Pie, circular and with a rim.
The Powers That Be mock us and waving the truth in our faces! ~ Prof.

December 4, 2024 6:30PM Pacific Time!

This is my Link To Twitter ~ X ~

Vids; The Economist Cover 2025 Explained, The Fake Alien Invasion, and Project Blue Beam!

The best CLASSICAL music station in the Bay Area; KDFC
The best
music station in the Bay Area;KCSM

Checkout the KPOO Spin Chart for programs and their performance times.
KPOO-FM is a Nonprofit organization.
The best PEOPLE'S Live streaming music station from the Bay Area;KPOO
The "UPLIFT SHOW", featuring the sounds of John Coltrane is HIGHLY recommended.
12 Noon on Tuesdays Pacific time.

Keep a dollar in your pocket! by Roy Milton
Resist their Cashless Society!

The words of the Lord are pure words:
as Silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
~ Psalms 12:6

Thank you for your donations, comments, support, and your suggestions!
I praise the most high God for each and every one of you! ~ Prof.

I'm on it!

website counters free

Donations are needed and highly appreciated! ~ Prof.
Through PayPal ~My email address at; professorcurtis@gmail.com or use this link... PAYPAL

I joyfully accept CRYPTO DONATIONS at these addresses;

DOGE address;D8oEeWTL9vYtJ7w4yxAnGRv8kkgZ9o3Yj3
ETH address; 0x694483E090BC9ba28c6eBB1AA2d32F82929c7cf6
BTC address;
XRP address;rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg
XRP memo (Required); 968092322

LINK! Coinmarketcap.com
LINK! Debt Clock.ORG
LINK! Down Detector.Com
LINK! Finviz Financial Futures!

As goes California, So goes the Nation.